AS-ASCII Text can transform simple text into ASCII text. You select the characters yourself and can choose to double the characters for better...

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AS-Hex Color always shows how the color can be changed by clickable color transitions connected to each primary color control. In addition to these color transitions there is a horizontal and a vertical spectrum where you can pick colors. Double-click the...

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AS-Network Message is a conversation program for Internet/LAN. A server is set-up on a host computer. All participants connects to the server with the client, and a password is needed to login. Both the server and the client can be minimized to the system...

AS-SaveScreen takes screenshots of your PC. If you add a shortcut to this program in Startup, you can always save screenshots with simple keyboard shortcuts. The command [CTRL+ALT+F8] saves the entire screen, and [CTRL+SHIFT+F8] saves the current window....

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AS-Port Scanner is a program to scan any number of ports in a computer to see what services and programs that listens for connections. The program is multithreaded and you decide for yourself how many threads to be...

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AS-Change Case program can rename files and directories to be uppercase or lowercase. There is also a shift mode to apply on files and directories to write the names correctly. It is perfect to get a uniform appearance of a directory and you may want to...

AS-Picture Framer program supports the file formats JPG, PNG and BMP. You choose for yourself which corner the light should be directed from and you can also choose to add a thin black border outmost. The frames thickness, distinctness and smoothness is...

AS-Blanker is a simple but useful little program. If you add a shortcut to the program in Startup, you can always hide the contents of the screen by pressing the [PAUSE] key. You can then restore with the same key. It clears the screen quickly, even if...

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AS-CopyIP 1.10

AS-CopyIP is a small program that you run when you need your public IP address. The program quickly retrieves your public IP address on the Internet and displays it, press OK to copy the IP address to the Windows Clipboard so you can easily paste it into...

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