AS-CRC32 1.20

AS-CRC32 can calculate the CRC32 of any file. It check whether a file has been modified or damaged, provided that you have calculated the CRC32 value of the file before. The program generates a nearly unique value with a known algorithm named CRC32 by...


AS-Piano 1.0

AS-Piano uses the computers MIDI-device for playback. You can play either with your keyboard (C, D, E, F, G, A, B) or with the mouse pointer, when you play with the keyboard you combine with [SHIFT] to play sharp. There are 128 different MIDI instruments...


AS-CopyJob 1.30

AS-CopyJob program makes it convenient and secure to make a list of copy and move operations of files and directories and then let the computer work with it until all is done. AS-CopyJob program shows transfer speed and remaining time. The program allows...

AS-Analog Clock is a analog clock to keep track of time on your desktop. Right-click on the board to select settings. You can choose size, color scheme and transparency, the clock can be always on top and you can lock its position. AS-Analog Clock shows...


AS-MD5 1.20

AS-MD5 calculates the MD5 value of files for validation. MD5 (Message-Digest 5) is a 128-bit so called hash algorithm that can be used to compare information. The program can integrate with Windows so you can check a file by right-clicking on it and...

AS-Audio Player is a small and simple audio player with the most necessary features only. You can open file, play, pause, and stop and support for MP3, WMA and WAV. It is a "back-to-basic" audio player with the most necessary features only for those who...