
node.bcrypt.js 0.8.5 updated

node.bcrypt.js utilizes the bcrypt algorithm for encrypting password strings inside Node.js-based applications and websites. The node.bcrypt.js library includes utilities for hashing a password, checking a password, auto-generating salt strings and...


encryptMe 1.0

encryptMe allows developers to support easy data encrypting and decrypting with the help of a few PHP files.The library can be used add safeguard measures to any PHP application, encryptMe being very easy to embed into any existing PHP-based...

Apache SpamAssassin uses a combination of different techniques to identify spam email and their adjacent signatures.The system uses a wide variety of methods to identify and tag spam, from heuristic and statistical analysis, either on the email's header...

jQuery Real Person prevent any type of form submissions unless the proper text as seen in the CAPTCHA section has been entered.Unlike similar CAPTCHA solutions, jQuery Real Person doesn't use images, but recreates the mangled text using ASCII art.This...


xkcdpass 1.4.0 updated

The 936th issue of the famous XKCD comic has brought to light an interesting concept when it comes to password policies.This issue didn't only break down why the current method of choosing passwords is producing hard to remember passwords, but why all...


phpSec 0.6.1

phpSec will help webmasters that can't afford to pay thousands and thousands of dollars every month for advanced security systems or Web-based firewalls.The library provides a free set of tools that will help them protect their applications against a...


Securimage 3.6.2 updated

It is used for generating complex images and CAPTCHA codes to protect forms from spam, bots and abuse. It can be easily added into existing forms on a website to provide protection from spam bots. It can run on most any webserver as long as it has PHP...

ZB Block

ZB Block 0.4.10a3

The script needs to be included at the top of other PHP pages.It should work with any PHP website, CMS, Blog, or Forum, and is designed to be completely invisible to other PHP scripts.If no problem is found with a connection, it lets the script...

Apache Shiro

Apache Shiro 1.2.4 updated

Apache Shiro bundles together various features and toolkits for protecting and enhancing the security of a Java website, Web or desktop application.Shiro can be used from simple local apps to large intranet structures or enterprise networks.Besides the...


simple-crypt 4.0.0

simple-crypt helps Python developers secure their data by providing a way to quickly encrypt or decrypt data.For any (de)encryption operations, the library uses an AES256 algorithm from the PyCrypto Python library.More in-depth information about the used...