
rtspd 2.0

RTSP is the Real Time Streaming Protocol, which serves as a control protocol, and as a jumping off point for negotiating transports, such as RTP, multicast and unicast, and negotiating codecs off of servers in a file format independent way.RTSP was...

ScribeHandler is a simple proxy layer that works with the python standard logging module. It acts a a handler object that gets added to a logger in the standard way.Important bits:When instantiating the handler, you will want to specify the connection...


sec-wall 1.1

sec-wall is a high-performance security proxy supporting TLS, SSL, WS-Security, HTTP Auth Basic/Digest, extensible authentication schemes based on custom HTTP headers and XPath expressions, powerful URL matching/rewriting and an optional headers...


Seeks 0.4.0

. Its specific purpose is to regroup users whose queries are similar so they can share both the query results and their experience on these results. On this basis, Seeks allows for true real-time, decentralized, websearch to emerge.In the long term, there...

Simple UDP proxy/pipe is an advanced UDP proxy/datapipe/packets forwarder and modifier with multiple functions.Multiple clients allowed (you can connect many clients you want to this proxy), creation of ACP files (tcpdump capture files, just like a...


Siproxd 0.8.1

Siproxd is a proxy/masquerading daemon for the SIP protocol. It handles registrations of SIP clients on a private IP network and performs rewriting of the SIP message bodies to make SIP connections work via an masquerading firewall (NAT).Siproxd project...


Sirious 0.0.1

Sirious is a tampering proxy server for Apple's Siri Assistant, allowing you to extend Siri to add custom commands/functionality.Sirious does not allow you to run Siri on an unauthorised (non-iPhone4S) device.SupportNot really, but feel free to drop by...


socket_zmq 0.1.1

socket_zmq is a tool written in Python that can parse Thrift framed protocol, listen to TCP socket and distribute message between ZeroMQ users.socket_zmq is an open source project distribued under the BSD license.Requirements:Python Apache...

Socks Server 5

Socks Server 5 3.8.9-2

SS5 is a socks server that implements the SOCKS v4 and v5 protocol. As a proxy server, SS5 authenticates, profiles and processes network requests for clients.Socks Server 5 establishes connections to application hosts for client applications. When the...