CherryProxy is a simple HTTP proxy written in Python, based on the CherryPy WSGI server and httplib, extensible for content analysis and filtering.It has not been designed for operational use and it lacks some HTTP features, so some websites will not...


Cntlm 0.35

Cntlm is an authenticating HTTP proxy intended to help you break free from the chains of the proprietary world we all are held prisoners in. You can run and use a free operating system on your computer and honor our noble idea, but you can't hide! Once...

Cyan Secure Web project the only carrier grade, high performance proxy server on Linux. Adaptive security for scalable web filtering needs. Dedicated most flexible solution to control all inbound and outbound requests for the use of the web. The powerful...


eProxy 1.0

eProxy software is an SMTP proxy server framework specially designed for use in conjunction with Postfix version 2.1 and higher. However, it does also work as a frontend proxy however security wise I trust on the postfix smtpd. What can eProxy be used...


ExaProxy 1.0.3

ExaProxy is a tool developed to be a transparent forward proxy.Thanks to its url rewriting features, compatible with SQUID rewriters, it can as well be used as powerful reverse proxy where complex URL rewriting are...


fu 0.0.1

fu is a DNSBL checking SMTPD proxy.Example Configuration Filesettings: predicate: 2 threshhold: 1.0 bind: localhost: 2525 upstream: - localhost: 1026 - localhost: 1025providers: {weight:...


GAdmin-SQUID 0.1.4

GADMIN-SQUID is an easy to use GTK+ frontend for the Squid proxy server. It includes most options found in squid and advanced ACL-building. Delay pools and logformats are discarded for now but are planned.Requirements:· GTK+ version 2.10.x·...


HAproxy 1.5.14 / 1.5-dev22 updated

HAProxy is the lool you need for web sites crawling under very high loads, while maintaining persistence or Layer7 processing.HAProxy also provides support tens of thousands of connections, even with today's hardware. It integrates into existing...

IP Proxy Scraper is an open source and completely free command-line software written in Python and designed to act as a proxy scraper tool. It can be used by both new comers and experienced users alike.IP Proxy Scraper has been engineered to allow users...