
Rialto 1.1.5

It is technology agnostic, like any RIA is, so it can be used in JSP, JSF, .Net, PHP, Python or Ruby graphic components.The purpose of Rialto is to ease the access to rich internet application development to corporate developers.Ideally a Rialto developer...


Rice 2.0.0 updated

It is practically a C++ library for interfacing and embedding the Ruby standard interpreter. It is similar to Boost.Python in many ways, but also attempts to provide an object-oriented interface to all of the Ruby C API.What is new in this...


Ring 1.4.0 updated

Ring is to Clojure as Rack is to Ruby and WSGI is to Python. It breaks down HTTP requests/responses and gives the control over back to developers. This way they can build apps that have custom behavior for various network-based events, binding actions and...


ROO 2.1.1 updated

Only read-access is currently supported, an exception is the Google spreadsheet, where write access is permitted. Please note that the upper left cell of a table is numbered (1,1) or (1,‘A’) (not 0,0).What is new in this release:Fix: Excelx...


RTLit 0.0.5

RTLit takes CSS files, reads them one line at a time and flips horizontally-applied values.Works with CSS, LESS and SASS syntax. RTLit can be used programmatically inside the code, from the Ruby CLI and as a Rake task.What is new in this release:Improved...