The themes are selected based on rules defined by the admin.Installation: Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.What is new in this release:Add __construct()...


xls2db 0.0.8

The resulted database file can be opened using Python's sqlite3 module.The outputted database follows a particular schema, which can be customized based on the developer's...


XlsxWriter 0.7.3 updated

XlsxWriter is still in its infancy as a module, but supports basic XLSX creation features.This includes cell formatting, cell notation, multiple worksheets manipulation, formulas, dates, numbers and text writing.All outputted spreadsheets are compatible...

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There are no options to be set, the plugin having a minimal settings interface.The feed becomes instantly available after activation on yourblogurl.tld/sitemap.xml (or yourblogurl.tld/index.php?feed=sitemap.xml if you do not use a fancy permalink...

It will support maps from My Google Maps, Picasa Webalbum Picture Map, any geoRSS Feed.It will also handle files like KMZ, KML and GPX GPS files.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the...

XML Sitemaps

XML Sitemaps 2.4 updated

It also automatically notifies the search engines when the sitemaps get updated. Installation: Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.What is new in this release:Fixed...

XML-RPC Tester

XML-RPC Tester 7.x-1.1 / 6.x-1.x-dev

It uses DSM to show the return value of the method.In theory, it should work together with services module as it is using the system.getMethods method to learn about the available calls, but I have not yet tested it with it.Installation:Unpack ...

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Yahoo! Pipes

Yahoo! Pipes 7.x-1.0 / 6.x-0.1

The module just provides an API for storing Yahoo! Pipes data in an SQL table and use Views schema to provide Views integration.The yahoopipes() function will take a Pipe ID, as well as an associative array of arguments, and then cache the data...

Uses Yahoo's Weather service to retrieve and display the weather predictions.Easy to install and customize. Supports lots of options. Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in...

It is actually a port to the CodeIgniter framework for the Spyc PHP class, a YAML loader/dumper written in PHP.This will allow CodeIgniter to parse and write YAML documents with ease.What is new in this release:Changes to the...