

It allows Python programmers to create programs with a robust, highly functional graphical user interface that can be used on multiple OS platforms.It is implemented as a Python extension module (native code) that wraps the popular wxWidgets cross...

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Wysiwyg API template plugin

Wysiwyg API template plugin 7.x-2.11 / 6.x-2.6

It allows users to select a HTML template from a drop-down and insert it into the WYSIWYG text-area.Installation:Unpack in your modules folder (usually '/sites/all/modules/')Enable under Administer > Site Building > ModulesRequirements:Drupal...

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Support is only for Drupal-6.0 and TinyMCE.Installation:Unpack in your modules folder (usually '/sites/all/modules/')Enable under Administer > Site Building > ModulesRequirements:Drupal 6.x Wysiwyg...

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After installation of this module and its dependencies, you will be able to enable a syntax highlighting button in the tinyMCE rich text editor, which will provide code syntax highlighting support to the Drupal published content.The plugin will recognize...

'Xbox Avatar Display Extended Module' provides a way for Joomla admins to embed a person's Xbox Live avatar in a page. Installation:Go to the Joomla admin section.Select "Extensions" -> "Install/Unistall/Extensions Manager".Upload the package's ZIP...

xCIDeveloper adapts CodeIgniter extensions so they can seamlessly be used inside a Joomla site.While this would be impossible in regular instances because Joomla uses its own PHP framework to power ts features, xCIDeveloper makes all the proper...

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xili-dictionary 2.12.0 updated

The xili-dictionary plugin can be used to create and update the .mo and .po file in the current theme and plugin folders.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in...


xili-language 2.18.1 updated

xili-language adds automatic tools (or links or filters) for the sidebar or the top menus.It also provides a series of functions which can be hooked in the functions.php and add extra functionality to the site's i18n.Installation: Unpack and upload...

For example when the theme is in English and the post's content is in English, only the English tags will be displayed. Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in...