Using the PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser library, the Clever SEO Keywords plugin can analyze a page's content and generate meta keywords from it.Using a special backend page, SEO keywords can be updated across the whole site with the push of one single...

My Mapped Locations may not be the most visually appealing plugin for adding Google-based maps to a WordPress site, but it's certainly one of the most easiest to use.While other plugins use complicated structures, My Mapped Locations can easily add maps...

SEO Redirect 301s

SEO Redirect 301s 2.2.2 updated

Whenever a page slug is modified, the plugin creates a 301 redirection from the old slug to the new one. This ensures site links don't go dead and affect the website's traffic. 'SEO Redirect 301s' also adds a special page in the WP admin where all active...

Tom M8te

Tom M8te 1.5.3

Tom M8te is nothing more than just a collection of useful functions that some developers may end up writing themselves while developing other plugins or theme frameworks.The plugin has no usable visual interface, but it comes with a section in the backend...