
Drush 8.0.2 / 7.0.0 / 6.6.0 updated

The module itself doesn't provide any actual tools or commands but the API. Installation Untar the tarball into your module directory (sites/all/modules) Enable drush.module and any submodules you want to use. You must enable the CVS or wget modules...

RDF is a W3C standard for modeling and sharing distributed knowledge based on a decentralized open-world assumption. Any knowledge about anything can be decomposed into triples (3-tuples) consisting of subject, predicate, and object; essentially, RDF is...

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SPARQL 7.x-2.0-alpha4 / 6.x-1.0-alpha1

SPARQL is a query language with a syntax that resembles SQL.All SPARQL queries are made against the Drupal RDF API.Installation: - Go to [Administer >> Reports >> Status report] to make sure you've successfully installed the ARC2...