
vintageJS 1.1.4

A working demo is included with the download package, in the "/documentation" folder.Comes with five preset effects and can be customized with new ones.Features:Desaturate photo Blur image on edges Grayscale effect Add image noise Add vignette (darken or...


waitForImages 2.1.0 updated

waitForImages forces the browser to wait for images to load before taking any other action.The plugin basically adds a collection of useful callback functions to be used in preventing JavaScript code to be run on images or elements containing images until...


WebPJS 0.0.2

WebP is a new image format developed by Google, considerably smaller than any other formats out there.The library can be used as a fallback, to render WebP images on browsers that natively cannot. Alpha channel transparency is also supported.Tested and...


Wheelzoom 3.0.4 updated

The Wheelzoom library allows visitors of a page to zoom in or out an image using their mouse wheel. This provides a lighter, more intuitive way of inspecting images rather than the old way of using externally placed button controls. A demo is included...

To 'shake up' your image transition and give it a unique dynamic feel this 'Wobble Effect' is the ideal component for 'Flash 8' or 'Flash CS3'. Compatible with PC or Mac this plug-in can create an instant 'Genie transition' on any of your images without...


wScratchPad 2.1.0

Scratch pads are elements that when scratched on the surface reveal an extra layer underneath it.Usually used in online games and ads, they are more of a decorative interactive element than something of use in a developer's every day life.wScratchPad...