Reverse Timeline

Reverse Timeline

Reverse Timeline shows unread tweets in reverse chronological order to read easily on twitter. You can also apply this add-on to a list.What is new in this release:Version fixes counts of processing.Requirements:Firefox 3.5 and...

Informational Tab

Informational Tab 0.4.2012122901

Informational Tab provides thumbnail, progress meter, or others to each tab. It indicates unread status.What is new in this release:Version 0.4.2012122901 works on Nightly 20.0a1.Requirements:Mozilla Firefox...


Similarius 0.0.7

Similarius helps you find similar sites with just one click. With Similarius you can find similar site to the site you are currently viewing simply by clicking a button in address bar. Similarius integrates with Google, Bing and Yahoo search results, so...


PriceDrop 1.31

PriceDrop is an extension that will help you track the Amazon product prices and will also provide notifications when they drop. This will help you know when your favorite products get cheaper, and will also help you get a refund from if a...

Ciuvo is an extension for Firefox. It finds the best deal and present contextually relevant information in real-time. It provides not just with the best price but also with relvant videos, pictures, customer reviews and availability near your...

The Web Search Optimizer provides additional search options for the most important search engines in the web. The addon integrates a green button with a magnifier next to the search box of the most relevant search engines. The supported search engines...

Search Deals

Search Deals 2.5.40

Search Deals is a free application that adds amazing deals to the most popular search engines (including Google, Bing and Yahoo). Features: Search Deals gives you the highest-quality deals so that you can save money, be a smart shopper (and a smart...