Don't you hate when you pay a nice amount for an ebook and after downloading, it doesn t open correctly and you are not able to read it at all. It s not the reason that the seller is selling corrupted ebooks but the reason is, most of the .exe ebooks...


Flatbook 1.0

Flatbook, which allows you to read onscreen text documents like a book, is a text viewer program. Whenever it is necessary to read a text document on the monitor for a long time, Flatbook makes the reading as comfortable as reading a real book and...


Flatland 1.0

From the developer: "This is a science fiction novel by Edwin A. Abbott. It is called as a romance of many dimensions. Yes, it is a romance. And it also represent the ignorance of human. It is about nature, about moral. As in the human society, a few...

"Food for thought" are quotes that provides mental stimulus for thinking. It motivates,inspire and nourishes the mind intellectually and motivates us to persevere in what we are doing and our ambitions or future dreams.It also guides our steps and also...