Epubor Reader

Epubor Reader

Epubor Reader enables you to read ePub, PDF, Mobi ebooks in one application on computer, it's convenient for readers who have multiple formats of eBooks. It also supports: AZW, AZW3, AZW4, PRC, TXT, HTMLz, TPZ, Topaz. When read an eBook with Epubor...


ETextViewer 2.1.2

ETextViewer is a free viewer specifically designed for reading electronic text. It opens large text documents; sets up to 5 bookmarks; saves a history of the last 20 files opened; auto-scrolls text and offers text reformatting to remove hard returns....

Exit Visa

Exit Visa 1.0

From the developer: ""EXIT VISA is a factual novel about the aftermath of the Vietnam war, in a vivid and gripping narrative, it chronicles the horrors experienced by those who fled after the fall of Saigon. We have all seen movies about Vietnam, 'We...

With Ez eBook Studio you can develop and secure eBooks for distribution on CDs, DVDs or the net. You can add documents, images, and videos. Ez Ebook Studio contains an advanced built-in word processor to help you build your own personalized documents....