Original concepts were taken from a preexisting ColdFusion/PHP framework, Fusebox.Its evolution through development has greatly changed its structure to have very little resemblance to Fusebox other than slight functionality of the switch, settings and...

It wants to find a way to integrate all classes in one JS file.Features:Using MooTools Classes (as exemple JavaScript Class building) Using Zend Framework like style coding Using JsDoc for JavaScript class documenting (tag @requires for JS class...


Twee 1.7

Stories created with Twee can branch like a the "Choose Your Own Adventure" format and the user can manipulate the output.This is only a command-line version for Python...


BaconMap Duroc 1.0

BaconMap is a web based program, which means that it installs on your webserver and is then accessable just like any web page.This is a wiki-like program which visually maps IT resources and supports document management.Features:Keep Contact Information...

The engine supports most of the Smarty template engine functions and filters. Template Lite amongst all things was designed to be fast, which it is.Features:Template Lite is a stripped down version of Smarty and thus is extremely fast, yet very similar...

It allows to easily to create VB skins and other end-user applications because this skin creator supports MS Visual Basic, MS Visual C, Delphi, Windows Forms (.NET), and all Win32 languages that support COM objects.The SkinCrafter GUI design tool offers...

It is based on the winning design from Ka-Ping Yee in the Software Carpentry "Track" design competition.Features:Features: simple to install Installation (including web interface) takes about 30 minutes Instant-gratification python demo.py Two...



The framework comes with a wide array of features on which the theme designer can build or expand his WP theme.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/themes/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Appereance ->Themes' menu in...


Ashford v2.0

The framework comes with a wide array of features on which the theme designer can build or expand his WP theme.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/themes/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Appereance ->Themes' menu in...