
CometD 3.0.9 updated

CometD is a Dojo Foundation project to provide implementations of the Bayeux protocol (HTTP Publish-Subscribe, Bayeux protocol, AJAX Push, or just simply Comet).CometD can be deployed inside a server and allow developers to easily implement...


Dojo 1.10.4

Developed and supported by the biggest companies on the Web, Dojo is one of the most complete and professional DHTML toolkits around.Dojo (formerly known as The Dojo Toolkit) is made up from many different parts.There's a module that handles all mobile...

General Interface, or just GI, is made up of two major parts.The Builder is a development application that relies on visual flows and an intuitive UI to let developers create their applications and code.The Framework is the a collection of JavaScript...

Lucid Desktop is written on top of the Dojo Toolkit but also uses PHP and a database to store and manage a user's data.On its own Lucid Desktop isn't really that useful, but it can be deployed as a backend or dashboard for various applications, providing...


Volo 0.3.6 updated

Leveraging the wide adoption of GitHub as a development and hosting tool amongst developers, Volo provides a powerful toolkit for rapid prototyping and easier deployment of JavaScript (mainly Node.js) projects.Volo's purpose is to manage dependencies for...