
ArangoDB 2.8.1 updated

ArangoDB is not your standard database if you've been working with MySQL all your life. There are serious differences between it and classic relational databases, ArangoDB being ideal for high-load and high-speed environments. It's a data storage system...


ArangoDB-NET 0.9.3 updated

ArangoDB-NET allows developers to interact with the ArangoDB REST API from Mono or .NET-based websites or applications.The package is basically an ODM (object document mapper), similar to what an ORM (object relational mapper) stands for to ...


ArangoDB-PHP 2.8.1 updated

ArangoDB-PHP allows developers to interact with the ArangoDB REST API from PHP-based websites or applications. This client library was written using OOP practices, easily handles ArangoDB connections, and covers basic database operations/transactions...


ART 2.5.3 / 3.0 Alpha 3 updated

ART supports Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL and CUBRID.Reports are generated in various formats and can even be viewed using a Web interface.What is new in this release:Fix for error when drill down column has a null value Updated French...


Ashikawa 0.14.0 / 0.1.3

Ashikawa allows developers to interact with the ArangoDB REST API from Ruby-based services, websites or applications.It provides low level access and is basically an ODM (object document mapper), similar to what an ORM (object relational mapper)...


Barman 1.5.1a1 updated

Barman is the ideal solution for database admins running PostgreSQL. It provides lots of tools and features for ensuring a PostgreSQL database's data won't get lost due to various reasons and errors ranging from natural disasters to hardware...


BigDump 0.36b updated

This script allows you to import of large and very large MySQL Dumps (like phpMyAdmin 2.x Dumps) even through the web-servers with hard runtime limit and those in safe mode.The script executes only a small part of the huge dump and restarts itself....


BIKE 1.0

Written in PHP, BIKE allows programmers to interact with a database via a web browser.Perfect for remote databases or a getting more organized query resultsFeatures:Records up to 40 recent queries Twitter Bootstrap based interface AJAX...