
CitrusDB 2.4.2

CitrusDB is an open source customer database application that uses PHP and a database back-end (currently MySQL).This software can keep track of customer information, CRM, services, products, billing, and customer service information. The program will run...

codership-mysql contains write set replication patches for MySQL maintained by Codership team.This patch implements hooks inside MySQL/Innodb engine, which can be used to build external replication system for MySQL servers. The replication system built on...


Couchapp 1.0.1

CouchApp is a set of helpers and a jQuery plugin that conspire to get you up and running on CouchDB quickly and correctly. The library brings clarity and order to the freedom of CouchDB's document-based approach.Requirements:cursor-pointer"...


cql 1.2.0

cql is a Python driver for CQL that adheres to py-dbapi v2 (PEP249, Python Database API Specification v2.0: use: >> import cql >> con = cql.connect(host, port, keyspace) >>...


CrunchyFrog 0.4.2

CrunchyFrog is a database schema browser and query tool written in Python/PyGTK. CrunchyFrog's current status is 'under development', but it's useable for the most common tasks.Supported databases:PostgreSQLMySQLSQLiteOracleLDAPMS-SQL-ServerWhat is new in...


Cyparkler 1.1

Cyparkler is a software framework which implements a query factory for SPARQL and SeRQL. Sesame 2 onejar.jar required (included in the download). This software is licensed under GNU GPL, you're free to make modifications and build on it.Usage: ...


Dabo 0.9.4

Dabo is a three-tier, cross-platform database application development framework, written in Python with the wxPython GUI toolkit.Dabo's authors, Ed Leafe and Paul McNett, have strong backgrounds in database application development using the awesome and...


DaDaBIK 4.4 patch level 1

DaDaBIK project is a free PHP application that allows you to easily create a highly customizable front-end for a database in order to search, update, insert and delete records; all you need to do is specifying a few configuration parameters.Starting from...