
Typey 1.0

Typey works by showing a font selector when hovering the mouse next to a text block.Developers can change the font size and the font family, applying the changes to the page's text in real-time.This way they can get a preview of how the text looks like...


typogr.js 0.6.5

The library works with Node on the server side, or as a stand-alone library in the browser (client side).For Node.js environments, typogr.js is available through npm for installation.A demo page is included with the typogr.js download package to help...


UI.Ace 0.2.3

For developers that have never worked with Google's AngularJS library, they are going to be shocked on how different coding with this framework can be.That's why working with ready-made AngularJS plugins is a must, most of them taking the complexity out...


UI.CodeMirror 0.3.0 updated

CodeMirror is a very well known Web-based utility for writing and editing code blocks.UI.CodeMirror adapts the CodeMirror editor so it can work with AngularJS' unique way of coding.UI.CodeEditor makes all the proper adjustments to the CodeMirror code...

underline.js uses the HTML5 canvas utility to optimize the way underlines are drawn on a Web page, removing blurs or ghost pixels from the final rendered result.Everything is displayed with pixel perfect precision, even on Retina-enabled...