
TuringType 0.0.1

TuringType relies on a Turing algorithm to animate characters one by one inside a block of text.Letters are added one at a time to simulate a text typing effect, giving the impression the text is entered right now as we watch it.TuringType can be used in...


tweetParser.js 2.1.3 updated

tweetParser.js was created for situations where tweet text needs to be embedded on a page, or you need to properly transform raw text into Twitter-friendly text.The plugin goes over a text and does several things. The first is to transforms text that is...

Tweet_Parser is around 50 lines of code, but it will work like a charm, taking text from tweet-like text and linkifying it.By linkifying we mean taking "@username" and "#hashtag" terms and converting them into actual Twitter links.@username will be...


twitter-text-js 1.13.2 updated

Twitter-specific text refers to common known Twitter jargon like @mentions, #hashtags, and lists.The library provides auto-linking and extraction for URLs, usernames, lists, and hashtags.Meaning normal text typed in like @softoware will appear like a...

Twitter-specific text refers to common known Twitter jargon like @mentions, #hashtags and lists.The library provides autolinking and extraction for URLs, usernames, lists, hashtags, tweet validation and search term highlighting.Ported from Twitter...


twitter-text-rb 1.13.2 updated

Twitter-specific text refers to common known Twitter jargon like @mentions, #hashtags, and lists.The library provides auto-linking and extraction for URLs, usernames, lists, and hashtags.Meaning normal text typed in like @softoware will appear like a...

There's an obvious problem with font rendering, not only for the Web, but for desktop applications as well.While desktop environments don't concern Web developers, browser font rendering does, which indirectly brings all the desktop-based problems into...

Type Scale enables a developer to setup a basic font size for their fonts, a preview text, the desired font-family settings and the font weight.Using these details, Type Scale will show a preview of the text, scaled at various dimensions.This will help...


Type.js 1.0

Type.js is a font designer's dream, allowing them to adjust a page's text display properties via CSS.This eliminates the need to modulate (edit) the Web font, letting him control the display properties on any font, may it be a standard font family or a...