Easy XML Converter

Easy XML Converter 1.3.2 updated

Easy XML Converter helps to convert XML files into a variety of formats. Easy XML Converter also has a help screen that tells you which tables (elements) that are related to each other. What you want to convert, choose from a tree view, select the desired...


ExamXML 5.43

ExamXML is a visual XML differencing tool for Windows. It was specially developed for comparing and merging XML files in an intelligent manner. It provides best-in-class features that distinguish ExamXML from other XML comparison tools.Limitations:30-day...

ExamXML (64-Bit) has developed for comparing, editing and merging XML files in an intelligent manner and comparing folder hierarchies containing thousands of files. It provides best-in-class features that distinguish ExamXML from other XML differencing...

ExamXML Pro is a visual XML differencing tool for Windows. It was specially developed for comparing and merging XML files in an intelligent manner. It provides best-in-class features that distinguish ExamXML Pro from other XML comparison tools. ExamXML...

In order to view web pages that have been designed using HTML, the Free HTML Reader is an apt solution. The source of the file can be accessed with its help so that users are able to make any changes to it as per their requirements. Since the success of a...

The Free HTML Viewer is a tool that allows users to view such files in a simple manner. Since the format is used to upload content on the internet, this software can prove to be very helpful for web developers and administrators. It is a small sized file...

As the name suggests, the Free XML Formatter allows users to format their XML strings or files by changing the indentation level. There are several purposes for doing this and it is especially useful for professionals. One of the main reasons for the same...