The plugin adds a toggle mechanism to the admin bar.It hides it by defaul, leaving a small grey strip at the top.Hovering that strip will make the admin bar slowly slide into view again.It also moves the site title to the side menu, and adds an option for...

A comprehensive admin panel is present in the backend, allowing the user to customize the way the sharing icons are added, behave and how they look. Socializer! loads just a 6 K animated image, being extremely fast.It will also not change anything in the...

Other browsers that don't support these IE-specific effects, a simple fade transition is used.This is an image slideshow gallery that brings each image into view using 1 of 15 randomly chosen Transitional effects in IE browsers.Other browsers that don't...

Comes complete with a collection of tools, shortcodes and sidebar widgets, for easily taking content from a WordPress installation and presenting it inside a WP blog/site.Exportable content includes static blocks, products and even entire...

Asgard Security can be installed like any other WP plugin and used by going to the WordPress administration panel, in a special section called "ASGARD" at the bottom of the side menu.Here the webmaster can trigger a security check and have the site's...

The user can restrict access to content based on the subscription plans he wants to use for his blog with the help of the API.He can sell text, audio, video and any file format he may want.All sites hooked up through the Cred system use one...

Protect Your Admin

Protect Your Admin 1.5 updated

Protect WP-Admin fixes a glaring security hole in the WordPress community: the well-known problem of the admin panel URL.Everyone knows where the admin panel, and this includes hackers as well.Protect WP-Admin helps solve this problem by allowing...

Thin Out Revisions

Thin Out Revisions 1.8.3 updated

The plugin automatically detect intermediary revisions and removes duplicate or revisions with small changes.This will reduce the database size and optimize the revisions DB table, while also making the backend load faster and handle smoother....

After activation, the plugin will watermark all new uploaded images.If choosing to use an image watermark, it must be in PNG format.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in...