WP Ultimate CSV Importer Plugin does not replace the default WordPress Import section, but works in parallel with it, allowing more control and even more features to what WP offers by default.The plugin should work fine with any kind of CSV file, not only...


BuddyPress 2.7.0 updated

BuddyPress is just great for building a company's Intranet, school student systems, online collaborators, sports teams or niche communities based on the power and flexibility of WordPress. BuddyPress will let users register and start creating and sharing...

The plugin records the accessed 404 link, its hit count, referrer (if any) and the last time it was accessed.Perfect for admins that want to track faulty links and correct or redirect them to the proper page. Installation:Unpack and upload it to the...


Tweeple 0.9.2

Tweeple is one of the best and easiest to use WordPress plugins for embedding various Twitter feeds and streams on a remote WordPress-powered website.It's extremely easy to use and comes with its special administration and management section in the...

Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7 4.4 updated

The plugin empowers admins with a simple section in the WP admin panel where they can create complex contact forms using a simplified graphical user interface and non-technical code tags. Multiple forms can be created with the plugin and embedded...

Content Aware Sidebars

Content Aware Sidebars 2.6.1 updated

The admin can setup rules which will dictate when a sidebar is shown and when not. Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.What is new in this release:Added: Date...

WP Statistics

WP Statistics 9.5.2 updated

Can be used to track visitors in real-time or to review stored traffic stats. The plugin can show: User Online Today Visit Yesterday visit Week Visit Month Visit Years Visit Total Visit Search Engine reffered (Google, Yahoo, Bing) User Online Live Premium...

Simple Ads Manager

Simple Ads Manager updated

Simple Ads Manager will allow any site owner to monetize his online presence in a much easier and comprehensive way.Everything is done via the WP backend panel, where developers can control where the ads are displayed and what's shown inside...


Profiless 1.8

Attempts to access the profile of the level 0 user directly will be redirected to the admin homepage.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.What is new in this...

"Are you a human" is a hosted CAPTCHA tool.The plugin allows their CAPTCHAs to be used inside WP-powered sites.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.Plugins and...