RS FeedBurner

RS FeedBurner 1.5.2 updated

FeedBurner is a Web service for managing and tracking syndication feeds. Since the built-in WordPress RSS feeds don't provide any exhaustive statistics about their usage, a service like FeedBurner can come really in hand. RS FeedBurner allows a...

RS Head Cleaner

RS Head Cleaner updated

RS Head Cleaner has no settings page in the WP backend like many similar plugins, and once installed you can move on to other things that need tweaking or editing on your site.The plugin also comes in two major iterations, the Plus and the Lite...

RS Nofollow Blogroll

RS Nofollow Blogroll 1.0.3 updated

RS Nofollow Blogroll makes a correction to the built-in WordPress blogroll widget.The plugin forces the addition of the rel=”nofollow” attribute to all links presented via the widget, allowing webmasters to share links to friendly sites...


ScrapeBreaker 1.3.6 updated

ScrapeBreaker is a reliable copyright protection system that makes sure your content can't be easily scrapped off your site by various bots and scripts. This and its frame breaking system also prevent the pages from being loaded off-site, keeping...

WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam

WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam updated

WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam should help any webmaster prevent situations where his site is exposed to spam, may it be from registration forms, contact forms, pingbacks, trackbacks, or the classic comment fields. The plugin offers a well-explained settings...