The plugin records all needed data to debug a 404 link.This includes the accessed link, user agent string, IP address, time and the HTTP referrer. Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the...

If an admin deletes a post or page, the plugin remembers the link for the page and issues a 410 response when that URL is requested.The list can be manually managed.The HTTP Specification defines the 410 response header for use when a resource has been...

It was developed for easing the task of managing comments on larger blogs.Allows editors to set a comment status individually for pages and posts, while also turning off/on the commenting status on all pages and posts at once.Installation:Unpack and...

Conditional CAPTCHA currently supports spam filters like TypePad AntiSpam and Akismet.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.Features:If a spam detection plugin...

The purpose of this plugin is to improve blog load speed/time.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.Features:Configure options: In the head of HTML and XML...

Comments can also be disabled based on their content type: post, page or media. These settings cannot be overridden by individual posts settings.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the...

Disable Feeds

Disable Feeds 1.4.2 updated

Will turn off all RSS, Atom, RDF feeds.The plugin is useful if using WordPress just for its CMS features. Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.What is new in...

DuckDuckGo is a secure, no user search terms tracking search engine.The 'DuckDuckGo Search Widget' adds a search widget to a WordPress site, similar to the built-in search tool, but which uses DuckDuckGo to search the site instead of native WP-based PHP...