
Heartbeat 0.0.1

Heartbeat is a simple tool that works on top of MongoDB, being ideal for webmasters, network and system administrators that want to keep track of their servers.This application will monitor the health of HTTP services and database engines, logging their...


Superstatic 2.2.1 updated

Superstatic is a Node.js server based on Connect, allowing webmasters to host their static websites with a technology specifically created for this purpose. Since it's based on Connect any other Connect middleware will work with it as well, and...


WildFly 9.0.1.Final / 10.0.0.CR2 updated

WildFly is a continuation of the old JBoss Application Server project, but coded anew from the ground up. It focuses on speed and being as light as possible, providing efficient methods of managing server memory, a light core, and a pluggable architecture...

Apache Storm

Apache Storm 0.9.5 / 0.10.0-beta updated

Apache Storm, as described by its creators, is to real-time data processing as Hadoop is for batch data computations.This project from the Apache Foundation aims at providing a reliable technology to be used for running various types of operations and...

Apache Tomcat

Apache Tomcat 8.0.24 / 7.0.63 / 6.0.44 updated

Apache Tomcat is next to Apache's HTTP server, the second most successful technology the foundation is developing and curating.The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages are technologies used in rendering Java-based web pages, and while many think they are a...


simpleS 0.8.4 updated

simpleS will allow a Node.js installation to receive and respond to HTTP requests, enabling developers to use Node.js as a plain ol' Apache server. This in turn will allow websites and other public services to run on Node.js, a much more efficient...


Reportula 2.1.1

Bacula Backups is an open source hard-drive backup utility, used mainly in server environments to backup customer/client data.Reportula was created to work on a Bacula installation, monitoring and logging usage reports, jobs, and other details.Through an...