
IISpeed 1.1.7 / 2.0 Beta 1

While Microsoft's IIS is not as widespread as Apache, NginX, or Litespeed, it is still a very powerful and reliable Web server regardless. IISpeed tries to leverages some of the features and technologies developed by Google and made freely available via...


Jetty 9.3.6 updated

It can be easily customized to a particular application environment.Jetty supports out of the box technologies like AJP, SPDY, Web Sockets, OSGi, JMX, JNDI, JASPI and many others.Jetty has also been used in well known applications like Yahoo Hadoop, Yahoo...


jWebSocket 1.0 RC3

jWebSocket is provided tools to use when create HTML5-based streaming and communication applications.Because HTML5 WebSockets look like they will replace the existing XHR approaches as well as Comet services by a new flexible and ultra high speed...


Katon 0.9.1

Katon will help developers cut down some time with the process of starting up local development servers whenever they want to test their code.They can simply add multiple server configurations to the Katon settings file and start each of these servers...


Listr 1.0

Listr basically loads a custom CSS stylesheet with the server file & folder browsing interface.It uses a more beautiful set of colors, appends icons based on file types, adds folder navigational breadcrumbs, and also a hover effect for the user's...

After setting up localtunnel, the user will be invited to access or share a link to his localhost via an URL in the format of http://xxx.localtunnel.com. Localtunnel is a client to a free and open source reverse tunneling service made specifically for...


LogBox 2.0.0

LogBox has been heavily inspired by Apache Log4j.By default, LogBox is included with all ColdBox packages, version 3 or higher.This doesn't mean LogBox needs ColdBox to work, developers being able to use LogBox as a stand-alone application.LogBox will...


Meinheld 0.5.7

The Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) defines a simple and universal interface between web servers and web applications or frameworks for the Python programming language.Meinheld uses the high performance http_parser C tool and the event library...