
Socket.IO 1.3.5 updated

It is a server client, a basically simple HTTP Socket interface implementation.Socket.IO aims to make realtime apps possible in every browser and mobile device, blurring the differences between the different transport mechanisms.Packages for stand-alone...


Capistrano 3.4.0 updated

Currently, Capistrano is considered as one of the easiest ways of deploying a project on a multitude of server environments via SSH.Capistrano is mainly used in deploying a script to more than one server, and it can be used in automating tasks, creating...

Apache Spark

Apache Spark 1.3.1 updated

Spark was designed to improve processing speeds for data analysis and manipulation programs.It was written in Java and Scala and provides features not found in other systems, mostly because they're not mainstream nor that useful for non-data processing...


Alerta 4.7.8 updated

Created by "The Guardian" development team, Alerta is a tool that allows webmasters to keep an eye on multiple servers, multiple processes, and various services, all at the same time, in real-time, from one single central location.Alerta will aggregate...

Apache Knox

Apache Knox 0.6.0 updated

Apache Knox provides a centralized spot in a Hadoop-based cluster, where various queries are aggregated and sent to the servers.This gateway can be used to avoid duplicate queries running in the system, but also for securing the platform against...


RFuse 1.1.1 updated

FUSE (Filesystem in USErspace) is a simple interface for userspace programs to export a virtual filesystem to the Linux kernel. FUSE aims to provide a secure method for non privileged users to create and mount their own filesystem implementations. ...


WsgiDAV 1.2.0 updated

WsgiDAV combines WebDAV and WSGI technologies to allow developers to host a file sharing system on their server.Based on Ho Chun Wei's PyFileServer, WsgiDAV comes with SSL support and an open architecture to let developers easily extend its...


Socket.IO 1.4.4 updated

Socket.IO is made up of two primary sections. A client library that runs in the user's browser, and a server-side counterpart, running on top of a Node.js server. These two work via HTTP sockets and allow seamless data exchange between the...


XCache 3.2.0

XCache works by caching the compiled state of the most used PHP scripts into the server RAM.This reduces page compilation times and speeds up page delivery.It also reduces memory and CPU usage by only dealing with serving pre-compiled data instead of...


Harp 0.20.1 updated

Harp works by taking Less, Stylus, SCSS (SASS), Jade, Markdown, EJS, and CoffeeScript files and compiling them to regular HTML, JavaScript, or CSS. These final files will then be served to users automatically, without the developer needing to manually...