XML for Script is a simple, non-validating JavaScript XML parser that is designed to help Web application designers implement cross platform, client-side manipulation of XML data. XML for Script provides both DOM and SAX XML processors as well as a number...

Keyword Suggester is a web based script that instantly generates a list of keywords related to a main word. It allows you offer a cool service to your website visitors to increase your site's traffic and stickiness.They simply sumbit a word & presto, out...

This COM OCX version provides an extensive set of tools for the PC audio mixer. AudioXML.ocx maps most common mixer controls directly to properties. If there are controls that do not map, then XML can be used to program the PC mixer driver easily. Using...


XMLEditor 1.0

The XML Editor helps you edit and create XML/HTML file and acts like a IDE to develop data extraction XML's to use with WebClipping. The WebClipping is a powerfull tool to extract information on any file, at local, network or internet. It has its own...