Bitnami ResourceSpace Stack

Bitnami ResourceSpace Stack 8.5.11461-0 updated

Bitnami ResourceSpace Stack is an all-in-one, freely distributed and multiplatform software project that simplifies the deployment of the ResourceSpace application and its runtime dependencies on real hardware. It can be deployed using native installers,...

Bitnami OSClass Stack

Bitnami OSClass Stack 3.7.4-6 updated

Bitnami OSClass Stack is a freely distributed software project that greatly simplifies the deployment of the OSClass software and its runtime dependencies. It is a cross-platform product that runs on all mainstream operating systems and it’s...

Bitnami ocPortal Stack

Bitnami ocPortal Stack 9.0.18-0 updated

Bitnami ocPortal Stack is a cross-platform software project, distributed for free by Bitnami and designed from the ground up to to a help users with the deployment of the ocPortal CMS (Content Management System) application and all of its runtime...


Mini-XML 2.9

Mini-XML is a small and open source command-line software that has been designed from the offset to act as a XML parsing tool that can be used by web developers to implement read and write support for XML and XML-like data files into their programs.A...

Bitnami phpList Stack is a freely distributed, easy-to-use and multiplatform software whose main goal is to help users with the deployment of the phpList web-based application on personal computers.It provides an all-in-one graphical installer, which...

Bitnami JasperReports Stack

Bitnami JasperReports Stack 7.1.0-0 updated

Bitnami JasperReports Stack is a freely distributed and cross-platform software project that has been designed from the ground up to help you with the installation and hosting of the JasperReports web-based application, as well as of its runtime...

Apache2GDL is a Perl script that parses an Apache log file and generates a directed graph of visitors' movement in GDL format for visualization with aiSee.It also allows you to pipe the graph directly through aiSee and get a mapped SVG or PNG image of the...


jGnash2QIF 1.6.0

jGnash2QIF is an application that converts a jGnash XML file into a QIF file.Features:Testing environment: GnuCash 2.2.4 QIF importer with jGnash 1.11.7's QIF importer (which is, btw, pretty broken) using files with up to 1200 entries Reminders and...