Wallpaper of an old medieval castle in true fairy-tale style. The castle is build behind a snow covered wall. This wallpaper has a resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels and can be freely used and distributed. Modifying of the file however (including cropping)...

Warrior Soul wallpaper inspired by the 1991 debut album "Drugs, God and the New Republic" from the US rock band Warrior Soul. This wallpaper has a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels and can be freely used and distributed. Modifying however is strictly...

Weather information for cities around the world. Weather forecasts for up to 7 days for US cities. Also includes an optional weather wallpaper which updates your desktop wallpaper with current weather information.What is new in this release:Version 7.2.3...

A Windows application that can be used to schedule the change of the desktop wallpaper image. A user can set an interval as to when the desktop wallpaper will switch images. The image is randomly chosen from a root folder or sub-folder of the root folder...