This is a free pile of 2D and 3D desktop wallpapers, by Dario D. of Supports widescreen, standard-screen, Windows, Mac (all systems, including some tablets/smartphones)... The images were designed using Photoshop, 3dsmax, Bryce, and some are...

Full Moon is the enchanted culmination of all powers. Take this great opportunity to meditate on the beautiful night sight and be sure to make your innermost wish and set positive intentions! Full Moon Clock is a wonderful reminder of the magic time and a...

Penetrate glorious view with new flower clock. Colourful reaches of the air-filled valley is cunningly tempting your mind: make a pause in your undertakings and dream of loose holiday in the wild! Penetrate the glorious view, feel the air and flower...

Bingrounder is an application that will go grab the image of the day from Bing and set it as your desktop background. You will also have the option to save those images locally for later...