Get 160 unique HD wallpapers from the Game of Thrones universe. There is a very wide range of wallpapers in this pack with all the main characters from Game of Thrones like Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark, Ned Stark, Stannis Baratheon and much more. This...

The Paradise Fish Aquarium animated wallpapers and screen savers features an assorted species of Paradise fishes: This small but very attractive beauty was instrumental in popularizing freshwater fish keeping beside Goldfish and many others. However, the...

Tiger Oscar Aquarium

Tiger Oscar Aquarium 2.01 updated

Tiger Oscar Aquarium features an assorted color variation of Astronotus ocellatus Oscar, Jaguar Cichlid, and Firemouth Cichlid. It is also known as the Marble Cichlid or the Velvet Cichlid and is a colorful addition to a large aquarium. The Tiger Oscar...

Blue Ocean Aquarium features Crystal Clear Blue Ocean with abundance of live Colorful soft and hard coral, kelp, with real colorful tropical pragmatically animated fish including Yellow Tang, Purple Tang, Rock fish, Powder Blue Tang, Blue Tang, Achilles...


Counter-Strike Wallpaper

Half-Life mod Counter-Strike has been knocking around since 2003, but it still attracts fans in droves. If you're one of them, you're going to love this free Counter-Strike wallpaper for PC. Although realistic and faithful to the game, this...