
SeeToo 1.0

SeeToo is a Web-based application that allows individuals to invite friends and family to watch home videos with them in real time. Founded in 2007, SeeToo users share video files of any size without the burden of uploading them to another... 1.0 is an online community for people to broadcast, watch, and interact around live video. With more than 41 million unique visitors per month and 428,000 channels broadcasting live video, enables users to create real-time connections with...


Chill 1.0

Chill is a central site that aggregates media with all the people you care about. Each page features a Pinboard-style grid of popular video clips and a collection of user-recommended videos. Users can control where videos are saved and play them on lounge...

Easy saving of online video and flash movies from any site. Possibility of conversion to any device: Android, Apple TV, BlackBerry, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Nokia, PlayStation, Windows Phone, Xbox. Compatible with the following browsers: Google Chrome,...


Tioti 1.0

TIOTI is a social media aggregator for television. We organize and generate descriptions for online TV shows by cost, by regional availability, as streaming video or downloads, and by compatibility with various media players. The videos we aggregate may...


Calais 1.0

We want to make all the world's content more accessible,interoperable, and valuable. Some call it Web 2.0, Web 3.0, the Semantic Web, or the Giant Global Graph - we call our piece of it Calais. Calais is a rapidly growing toolkit of capabilities that...