Highlight Hunter finds the highlights in your videos 8 times faster than searching manually. Here's how it works: 1. Record everything and don't worry about having too much footage. 2. After each highlight, momentarily cover the camera lens to bookmark...

Magic Media Marker's main purpose is to process video files and make them pretty in iTunes and on your Apple Devices. Feed Magic Media Marker a video file and it will automatically determine if the file is a TV Show or a Movie by it's file name and...

WooWave Sync Pro is a revolutionary new product that makes the process of editing footage from various sources much easier. This version exports FCP XML for Premiere OSX. Let's say you are trying to shoot a music video, or a documentary. If the footage...


VideoCanvas 3.0.4

Use VideoCanvas to edit video in multiple layered tracks and add effects, titles and transitions. VideoCanvas is very flexible and works a lot like a drawing application for video clips. Yet it is easy to get started even for someone who never edited...

Your new camcorder shoots 50 or 60 frames per second? But nor iMovie nor FCPX handle these type of videos! Convert to edit them ...And enjoy its "too many frames" to produces a slow-motion (what's the aim of a too much detailed movie if you cannot play...