
hgtools 3.0.2

hgtools builds on the setuptools_hg plugin for setuptools. It provides classes for inspecting and working with repositories in the Mercurial version control system.hgtools provides a plugin for setuptools that enables setuptools to find files under the...

hgsubversion is a Mercurial extension that allows the use of Mercurial as a Subversion client.At this point, hgsubversion is usable by users reasonably familiar with Mercurial as a VCS. It's not recommended to dive into hgsubversion as an introduction to...


ScmProj 0.6.2

ScmProj is a plugin for organizing set of VCS branches as united project.Installation:Current-user only install 1. Create ~/.bazaar/plugins directory if not exists 2. cd ~/.bazaar/plugins && bzr branch lp:bzr-scmproj scmprojSystem-wide...


GHTix 0.1.7

GHTix is a Python script to grab your github issues from multiple projects and spit out your open tickets and due dates associated with milestones.    $ ghtix.py -h    Usage: ghtix.py [options]   ...


hgcp 0.12

hgcp is a tool that provides Mercurial cross-reposititory copy and move functions.Developer commentsWhen refactoring packages, I sometimes find the need to copy some files from one Mercurial repository to another while preserving their history. While this...


git-sweep 0.1.1

git-sweep is a command-line tool that helps you clean up Git branches that have been merged into master.One of the best features of Git is cheap branches. There are existing branching models like GitHub Flow and Vincent Driessen's git-flow that describe...


gitflow 0.5.0

gitflow is a collection of Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.Installing git-flowYou can install git-flow, using:easy_install gitflowOr, if you'd like to use pip instead:pip install...


cvsd 1.0.23

cvsd is a wrapper program for cvs in pserver mode. cvsd is run as a daemon and is controlled through a configuration file. It is relatively easy to configure and tools are provided for setting up a rootjail.This server can be useful if you want to run a...

CrossVC is a graphical Interface for the cvs client commandline tool on the Unix, Windows and Mac OS X platform. CrossVC XXL allows to load modules from a server (checkout), create modules on the server (import), as well as checking the state of...

bookcommit is a Mercurial extension to automatically prepend the current bookmark name to the commit message.Whenever you commit, if you have an active bookmark, it will be prepended to the commit message that you provide. Otherwise, the message will stay...