
gitcampy 0.0.16

gitcampy is a script that loads Basecamp todo lists into Git commit messages, and marks todos as complete and add time entries if they are kept in the commit message.InstallWarning! Gitcampy overwrites commit-msg and prepare-commit-msg hooks when you run...


jig 0.1.8

jig is a command-line tool and framework for getting more from the Git pre-commit hook.What is the Git pre-commit hook? It's a small script that Git automatically runs right before you commit.InstallationThe Jig command line tool is written in Python, you...


csvplait 0.1

csvplait is a Python tool for manipulating CSV files either interactively or via script.UsageInteractive python # Read in the CSV > read myfile.csv # Pretty print the table > pp # Drop first 2 columns > drop 0...


fastimport 0.9.2

fastimport is the Python parser that was originally developed for bzr-fastimport, but extracted so it can be used by other projects.It is currently used by bzr-fastimport and dulwich. hg-fastimport and git-remote-hg use a slightly modified version of...


raw-import 0.1.1

raw-import is a fork of ghp-import to be more generic on branch name under Git repository.It's possible to generate documentation wit Sphinx, and publish the result of make html under the specify branch.Big Fat WarningThis will DESTROY your dedicate...


Mr-Repo 0.2.10

Mr. Repo is a repo management script written in Python. It's very simple. Basically, it turns whatever directory Mr. Repo is initialized into a configurable repository of Git repositories. It creates two files to keep track of its state.- A YAML file...


Synkie 0.2.4

Synkie is a Python tool that watches a part of a git repository, committing and pushing changes as they occur. It provides optional desktop notification in case of errors. It does not cope with merge errors, these have to be manually...


hgcampfire 0.3.2

hgcampfire is a Mercurial hook to notify a Campfire chatroom about changesets coming in to a repository.Usage:Add the following to your Mercurial config (in a system, user, or repo-level hgrc file), replacing the API key, URL, and room...

git-svn-helpers is a collection of command line tools that greatly simplifies using git for svn repositories.git-svn-helpers's main goal is to make setting up a local git repository following an existing svn checkout a 'no-brainer'.It also addresses using...