
gitchangelog 2.0.0

gitchangelog is a tool that can translate commit message history to a changelog.SampleThe output is currently fixed to ReSTructured text, but it should be readable is ASCII.Here is a small sample of the git-changelog changelog at work.Current git log...


gitflow 0.5.0

gitflow is a collection of Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.Installing git-flowYou can install git-flow, using:easy_install gitflowOr, if you'd like to use pip instead:pip install...


GitG 3.24.0 updated

GitG is a great application for the GNOME desktop environment, allowing users to view and browser Git software repositories with ease. It’s an open source, small and fast graphical application, a clone of the GitX software project. It’s...

Github organization are great way for organization to manage their git repositories. github-collective is a tool that will let you automate tedious tasks of creating teams, granting permission and creating repositories.Approach that github-collective tool...

github-distutils is a tool that provides distribute/setuptools/distutils commands for GitHub. You can use GitHub downloads instead of PyPI downloads for release.To use this, follow the instruction.InstructionFirst of all your software must be...

github-plots is an utility that provides misc alternate to Github plots.Currently supported modes:issues - builds an ascii plot of the number of issues for your repo over time.Quick start:$ cat > ~/.github[github]username = joeuserapi_token =...

githubhooks is a simple Python module designed to list and test Github hooks that were previously activated.Installationpip install githubhooksUsageSetup oauth token as env var(github-hooks)jon@lenovo ~/Code/github-hooks $ source GITHUB_TOKENListing...

github_repos_cloner is a tool to clone all the github repos for backup purposes because GitHub delete is permanent.MotivationYes there are others, now there is this one too.InstallInstall: {easy_install, pip} github_repo_clonerUsageUse like...


GitLab 10.1.2 / 10.2.0 Pre updated

GitLab is an open source, platform-independent and completely free web-based software repository and project management application implemented in Ruby on Rails and cloned from the famous GitHub project. It is used in more than 100,000 organizations...

gitorious-mrq-monitor is a simple service for following the status of Gitorious merge requests. Currently supports reporting status over IRC.InstallingFrom PyPi: pip install gitorious-mrq-monitorFrom source tree: python installNote that...