
GitLab 10.1.2 / 10.2.0 Pre updated

GitLab is an open source, platform-independent and completely free web-based software repository and project management application implemented in Ruby on Rails and cloned from the famous GitHub project. It is used in more than 100,000 organizations...


Quilt 0.63

Quilt is an open source, small, fast, easy-to-use and freely downloadable command-line software project that contains a set of scripts for managing a series of patches, simply by monitoring the changes each patch makes.With Quilt, you will be able to...


ViewVC 1.1.22

ViewVC is an open source browser interface for the popular Subversion and CVS version control repositories.ViewVC generates templatized HTML to present navigable directory, change log listings, and revision.What is new in this release:This version...


prcs2hg 1.0x1

prcs2hg is a completely free, open source and cross-platform command-line software implemented in Python and designed to be used for converting a PRCS (Project Revision Control System) project to Mercurial revisions.The program is usually used to easily...


cgit 0.10.2

cgit is an open source and free web-based software implemented in C and designed from the ground up to provide users with a fast and easy-to-use interface for the git scm tool. Its best feature is the ability to decrease server io-pressure, simply by...


hgview 1.8.2

hgview is an open source, freely distributed, graphical and command-line software project implemented in Python around the Qt toolkit, as a replacement for the hgk application. It is a Mercurial log navigator and interactive history viewer utility for...

reposurgeon is an open source and totally free command-line software implemented in Python and designed from the ground up to help application developers edit the history of a version control repository.Supports all mainstream version control systemsIt...

Apache Subversion

Apache Subversion 1.10.2 updated

The goal of the Subversion project is to build a version control system that is a compelling replacement for CVS in the open source community. It is developed and distributed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Apache Subversion is a command-line...


Meld 3.18.2 updated

Meld is an open source piece of software designed from the ground up to act as a visual diff and merge utility that integrates well with a wide range of Concurrent Versions Systems (CVS). It is distributed along with the GNOME desktop environment,...

cvs-fast-export is a small, fast, completely free and open source command-line program implemented in C and designed from the offset to help users export CVS (Concurrent Versions System) and RCS (Revision Control System) history as a fast-import stream on...