
Hostery 0.1.4

Hostery is a command-line tool for pushing git snapshots to a web host. Hostery creates a browsable history for a project by uploading selected git commits to an FTP server.Configure a Repository hostery initIssue this command at the root level...

testrepository provides a database of test results which can be used as part of developer workflow to ensure/check things like: * No commits without having had a test failure, test fixed cycle. * No commits without new tests being added. *...


bzr-svn 1.2.2

bzr-svn is a Bazaar plugin that adds support for branching off and committing to Subversion repositories from Bazaar. It allows most bzr commands to work directly against Subversion repositories, as if you were using bzr with a native bzr repository.The...


leeroy 0.1.5

Leeroy is a Python Flask service which integrates Jenkins with GitHub pull requests. Leeroy uses GitHub hooks to listen for pull request notifications and starts builds on your Jenkins server. Using the Jenkins [notification plugin][jnp], Leeroy...

githubhooks is a simple Python module designed to list and test Github hooks that were previously activated.Installationpip install githubhooksUsageSetup oauth token as env var(github-hooks)jon@lenovo ~/Code/github-hooks $ source GITHUB_TOKENListing...

Atlassian Stash is a commercial software that delivers a secure and unique solution for administer distributed Git software repositories on your own servers.Atlassian Stash allows users to easily create and manage a Git repository, add or remove users and...


Onzen 0.03

Onzen is an open source graphical software that provides a friendly user interface (GUI) for popular revision control systems, such as Git, CSV, Mercurial or Subversion.With this software, users will be able to view, commit, update, diff, revert, remove,...


gwsmhg 0.13.2

gwsmhg is an application for managing work spaces containing sources under the control of hg and/or mq.Mercurial (hg) is a distributed source control management (SCM) tool and mq is a Mercurial extension for managing a series of patches in a manner...