NMEA Converter is a product to convert various types of data NMEA to UDP Converter UDP to NMEA Converter(Reserved) GPS to HDT Converter(Reserved) NMEA to KML Converter(Reserved) NMEA to KMZ Converter(Reserved) KML to NMEA Converter(Reserved) KMZ to...

Free Edition Features: Automatically Geotag Video - Video GeoTagger lets you easily combine any GPS log and video to automatically synchronize the video file with a GPS track with just a few clicks on the map. Manually Geotag Video - No GPS...

TrekkingMapEditor is GSI(Geospatial Information Authority of Japan) map viewer, and also print it. This map can be used for trekking, hiking, cycling and many things to do. This software has a lot of great features. * Zoom and scroll by the mouse. *...

Travel Time Map. This software allow you to show Isochrones and Isodistances polygons. Support for walk, car, bike isolines. Predefined speed levels and customizable speed value. Flags to reduce queue time and avoid tolls. This software is based on...

You can use this program for merging two or more image files together. Simply - how the program works: 1. you set up number of images you want to capture 2. program captures screenshot 3. program uses drag&drop and moves the map 4. program takes another...