
Parsedown 1.6.0 updated

Parsedown is a very fast and reliable solution for parsing Markdown text. Besides the standard syntax introduced by John Gruber a few years back, it also supports the modified version working on GitHub (also known as GitHub Flavored Markdown). Under the...


Franc 1.1.3 updated

Franc is an 100% JavaScript language detection solution written as an alternative to Google, Bing, Yahoo! and other language detection APIs. Currently the library already supports more languages than all of these services and can be used for both...


pycolumnize 0.3.8

It parses a list of strings and displays the items as columns arranged horizontally or vertically, based on user input configuration data.The module simply takes the list enumeration and adds a newline character where needed.Each column is only as wide as...

IEBoldOpacityFix is a lightweight fix that works by scanning for elements where the IE alpha opacity property has been used, scanning for the parent's background color and using it as the text's background as well.This small hack will remove some of the...

Glyphr Studio

Glyphr Studio Beta 5.2

Glyphr Studio makes font design a lot easier and accessible to anyone by providing a self-hosted tool that can be used locally or online to let people design fonts using only their browsers instead of a bulky and most of the times too complicated desktop...


BalanceText 1.6.2 updated

By default, browsers take a block of text and try to fit as many words on one line as possible. This produces very small text blocks, but sometimes there are lines that contain just 1-2-3 words (called orphans or widows in typography). The BalanceText...

Type Scale enables a developer to setup a basic font size for their fonts, a preview text, the desired font-family settings and the font weight.Using these details, Type Scale will show a preview of the text, scaled at various dimensions.This will help...

Tweet_Parser is around 50 lines of code, but it will work like a charm, taking text from tweet-like text and linkifying it.By linkifying we mean taking "@username" and "#hashtag" terms and converting them into actual Twitter links.@username will be...


Baseliner 1.0.beta updated

Baseliner is a simple tool for developers concerned with their Web typography.It can be used as a normal JavaScript library or it can be installed inside your browser as a bookmarklet.Once installed and activated, Baseliner shows a series of horizontal...