101 Clips

101 Clips 18.04 updated

If you ever wished that you could copy more than a single clip from one document before pasting to another, 101 Clips is for you. With 101 you can copy up to 25 times and unlike other multi clipboards, 101 shows you a preview of each clip before you paste...

101 Screen Shots is a screen capture program to include its own organizer as well as an editor. It will get your point across immediately with a screen shot, splash text, and clip art arrows. Capture your screen, add colorful effects and helpful...



1AVMonitor is a all-in-one surveillance solution that supports any audio video source available on your PC including your Webcam, your desktop, microphone, or phone-line. Features include motion detection, sound detection, e-mail alerts, stealth mode, and...

1b QuickStart

1b QuickStart 1.68 updated

1b Quickstart is your alternative start menu button across all versions of windows operating system for accessing shortcuts, applications, local folders, shared drives, network printer, Web site links by clicking the top floating bar on your desktop, ALT...

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1Click Uninstaller is freeware designed to allow uninstalling programs quickly and easily. The program facilitates the uninstall process and eliminates the need for a standard time-taking way to remove software. Now you can forget about opening My...

The 1St Choice Clipboard manager floats on top of your current work. Whenever you cut or copy, the clip appears in one of the slots. The slot only shows the first few words of each text clip or the words "Graphic Clip" but when you move the mouse pointer...