Porteus KDE

Porteus KDE 3.2.2 updated

Porteus KDE is a freely distributable Linux operating system based on the well known Slackware Linux distribution and built around the KDE Plasma Workspaces and Applications desktop environment. Porteus is a minimalistic and open source distribution of...

Porteus Kiosk Edition

Porteus Kiosk Edition 4.7.0 updated

Porteus Kiosk Edition is a specialized distribution of Linux that provides users with a locked down computing environment, designed to be deployed on public libraries, Internet Cafes or any other business establishment that provides Internet access to...

Porteus LXDE

Porteus LXDE 3.0.1

Porteus LXDE is an open source Linux operating system, a community-driven remix of the Slax distribution. It is based on Slackware Linux and built around the LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) project.Porteus is known for featuring its own...

Porteus LXQt

Porteus LXQt 4.0 updated

Porteus LXQt is a freely distributed operating system based on the well known Slackware Linux operating system and built around the LXQt desktop environment, a clone of KDE3. Porteus Linux will provide users with a modern operating system that...

Porteus MATE

Porteus MATE 3.2.2 updated

Porteus MATE is an open source Linux distribution based on the Slackware Linux operating system and built around the lightweight MATE desktop environment, a fork of the classic GNOME 2 session. Porteus is a remix of the Slax Linux operating system,...

Porteus Xfce

Porteus Xfce 3.2.2 updated

Porteus Xfce is yet another edition of the Porteus Linux operating system, this time built around the lightweight Xfce desktop environment. It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. Porteus is known for being a community-driven remix of the Slax...