PCLinuxOS 2018.06 updated

PCLinuxOS is an open source Linux distribution based on the Mandriva operating system and the most popular distro on the Softoware website. Being designed to be used entirely from a bootable DVD media or USB stick, the PCLinuxOS features a complete and...

PCLinuxOS Openbox is a freely distributed and open source Linux operating system, a community edition of the well known PCLinuxOS distribution built around the lightweight and minimal Openbox window manager.Availability and boot options It is available...

PCLinuxOS Phoenix Mini is an open source distribution of Linux, a minimal edition of the PCLinuxOS Phoenix operating system, built around the lightweight Xfce desktop environment and designed from the ground up to be deployed on low-end...


MythTVOS 2008

MythTVOS 2008 is a new remaster of the popular PCLinuxOS Minime 2008. It provides a pre-configured MythTV setup for multimedia junkies!It comes pre-configured for UK Digital Freeview but is easily changed to suit your hardware/region configuration. The...

PCLinuxOS project is one of the world's up and coming providers of a Linux Desktop Solution. With a small but dedicated development team, PClinuxOS delivers Desktop Ready Software that harnesses the power of the Open Source Community.What's New in This...

PCLinuxOS MiniME

PCLinuxOS MiniME 2015.12 updated

PCLinuxOS MiniME is a freely distributed and open source Linux-based operating system derived from the well known Mandriva Linux distribution and designed around the eye-candy and modern KDE desktop environment. When compared with the main edition, this...


PCLinuxOS LXDE 2016.06 updated

PCLinuxOS LXDE is an open source and freely distributed edition of the popular PCLinuxOS Linux operating system built around the lightweight LXDE desktop environment. PCLinuxOS is a distribution of Linux derived from Mandrake, now known as...


PCLinuxOS MATE 2017.07 updated

PCLinuxOS MATE is a freely distributed and open source edition of the well known PCLinuxOS Linux-based operating system built around the traditional MATE desktop environment, a clone of GNOME 2. Availability, boot options and system requirements This...


PCLinuxOS XFCE 2017.09 updated

PCLinuxOS Xfce is an open source Linux operating system built around the Xfce desktop environment. It’s an unofficial flavor of the well known PCLinuxOS distribution, designed for productivity. Distributed as a 64-bit Full and Mini Live ISOs It is...

PCLinuxOS FullMonty is an open source distribution of Linux based on the deprecated Mandriva Linux operating system. It uses the KDE Plasma Workspaces and Applications project as its default desktop environment.The main edition of PCLinuxOS also features...