Matrix Reckoner is a lightweight easy to use advanced math application. This application can be used to add, subtract and multiply the two matrices. It can also calculate the transpose, inverse and determinant of a matrix of order upto 6. The...

Student Area is a great tool for all students. It allows you to keep track of all aspects in your student life in one simple and easy to use application. Student Area allows you to organize the following; 1. Student ID card 2. Class timetable 3....

Word 2007 Basic is a software that contains step by step video lessons of how to work with Word 2007. It also has practical lessons (interactive), a multiple choice quiz, and internet capabilities like chat room and online games. Word 2007 Basic is a...

Baie Interpolate v2 is a tool to interpolate value inside table. This application use simple triangle concept to interpolate data from your table. Simple graphic user interface makes Baie Interpolate v2 user friendly and easy to use. Baie Interpolate v2...

An excellent way to promote and encourage children or adults to practice weekly spelling lists. Quickly input and optionally record spelling lists that can be immediately used for spelling practice or playing games. Report Cards allow parents or teachers...


eReviewBook 4.9 (build 610)

eReviewBook is a test prep tool that helps you power through thousands of questions efficiently. The application makes it easy to see your strengths and isolate your areas of weakness. Combinations of filters can be used to focus your energy where you...

Slide Ninja

Slide Ninja 0.9.6

There is no more efficient way to attend a lecture. Record lecture audio and text notes while watching the slides. When you get home you will have slides, audio, and text notes in sync so you can absorb knowledge from all three dimensions. You can even...


Studyper 1.0

Studyper allows you to create note cards and other studying methods. This gives you an easier way to study up for a test/quiz. Studyper also allows the teachers to create tests, that can automatically grade the student right after the student has finished...