
Xpeon-Bar 2.1.2

Xpeon-Bar helps user to manage their own shortcut in a category or without category. By right-click on Home button, user will be allowed to make their own category. User can change every file icon and category picture. User can also change Xpeon-Bar built...

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Hotkey was created in order to make user access to any file or folder faster and easier. With Xpeon-Keystrike, user will provided to make their own hotkey which can be turn on or turn off every time they desired. With Xpeon-Keystrike, user can launch...

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Xpeon-Lock 1.0.0

With Xpeon-Lock, you can equipped folder with password. Whenever you open that folder, the password will prompt and ask for password. Also, you can use "Selective Word" features. This will allow you to abort any process that include specific keyword. Like...