Get personalized, up to the minute astrological forecasts based on your date, time, and location of birth. zwaQ Astrology uses real astrology, not just sun sign horoscopes. The descriptions are written by our users, and when you click on a planet, you can...


ZWCAD 2015.09.21 updated

ZWCAD is a cost-effective, DWG file format compatible CAD solution for the AEC and MCAD industries. With basic drafting functionalities such as creating and editing 2D geometric objects, dimensioning, 3D solid modeling, plotting and file sharing, ZWCAD...


ZWCAD 2012

ZWCAD™ is a cost-effective, DWG file format compatible CAD solution for the AEC and MCAD industries.. Excellent support for DWG file, Zero relearning cost, Powerful drafting and detailing tools, Easy Plotting, Publishing, and Export. Only basic support...

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With familiar interface and similar commands, ZWCAD is compatible with most CAD software and supports the latest DWG format. Easy-to-use features save you a lot of time and money. Having gone through over 50,000 extremely rigorous drawing tests to...

AutoTable is designed to provide ZWCAD users a more convenient way working together with ZWCAD and Excel. We then can import Excel spreadsheet to ZWCAD and modify it with Excel at anytime. Besides, you can update table in ZWCAD to synchronize it with the...

Free ZWCAD Viewer for CAD DWG File Viewing and Plotting ZWCAD Viewer is a lighter, faster and more accurate application developed by ZWSOFT for CAD users, it provides users with a convenient way to view and plot drawings. Light and Easy-to-use No...


ZWCAD+ 2015

ZWCAD+ is a cost-effective, DWG file format compatible CAD software for the AEC and MCAD industries. It ensures even greater .dwg 2013 support, better time saving tools such as Ref Managers , Super Hatch and Sweep& Loft, code-level API and key 2D...


zWeb 2.0.1

zWeb is a free, PHP-based CMS (Content Management System), designed for texts-based webpages. In administration panel the Webpage admin can set easy the Webpage properties, style, language, can easy upload images and files, submit text, and create menus....

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zxc Lotto offers you the ability to analyze and play the lottery more selectively. You can compare against historical lotto results and quickly filter out tickets that would be mathematically unlikely to win and increase your odds of hitting the jackpot....

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