101 Clips

101 Clips 18.04 updated

If you ever wished that you could copy more than a single clip from one document before pasting to another, 101 Clips is for you. With 101 you can copy up to 25 times and unlike other multi clipboards, 101 shows you a preview of each clip before you paste...

101 Screen Shots is a screen capture program to include its own organizer as well as an editor. It will get your point across immediately with a screen shot, splash text, and clip art arrows. Capture your screen, add colorful effects and helpful...


1042-S 5.02

IRS form 1042-S is an information return sent to non US residents who have conducted some form of businesses within the United States during the past calendar year. This can include investments or capital distribution. The form is sent to the non-resident...


1066 1.0

1066 is an in-depth turn-based strategy war game where the goal is to out-wit and out-fight the opponents troops. Choose between the English, Viking, or Norman army which each have their own particular strengths and weaknesses relating to certain types of...

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The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires employers (those with 50 or more full-time employees) to report health coverage to each employee as well as to the IRS. This is done using IRS Form 1095-C (and its respective 1094-C transmittal summary) Health...

1099 Fire

1099 Fire 12.05

IRS Form 1099-MISC is the most popular of the 1099 forms. Our 1099 MISC software makes it easy to import from excel (xls or xlsx), print Copy B for the recipient on plain paper with black ink and electronically transmit your data directly to the...

You can create a 1099 in 5 minutes. Just simply enter your 1099 details that you need for income verification and then press the print 1099 button and that's it. This program is priceless when you need to provide proof of income for credit cards, bank...