
3dcart 6.0

3dcart gives you all the tools to create your website and online store. Start with over 50 website templates and the ability to create your own designs using HTML & CSS. Our exclusive Quick Edit Bar let's you make design changes in real-time as well...


3Defy 2.0

3Defy is a free web application which allows you to convert 2D photographs into 3D models. The 3D models can be exported and printed in full-color 3D with services like Shapeways and Sculpteo. The original version of 3Defy offered 2D to 3D conversion...


3dEye.js 1.0.0

To work properly, 3dEye.js needs a series of related images showing the desired object in 3D from different perspectives and angles.3dEye.js will display them one after the other, in a quick succession, giving the illusion of a real-life 3D rotation...

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3Dify 1.0

The plugin adds options for the programmer to control Z distance and an object's angle.These effects are performed via CSS3 perspective property.What is new in this release:Browser compatibilities. Requirements:JavaScript enabled on client...

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3to2 1.1.1

Python is a widely used programming language which features two main branches: 2.x and 3.x.Each of them uses its own syntax, not really that different between version, but different enough not to run except in its own branch.While a recent survey has...

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Estimate your future 401(k) retirement savings after a specified number of years. Include both personal and employer contributions. Enter your current balance, annual salary, expected annual raise in salary, your annual contribution/investment, your...

The plugin records all needed data to debug a 404 link.This includes the accessed link, user agent string, IP address, time and the HTTP referrer. Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the...

404 Errors Log logs all 404 requests to pages, shows current status of Cron tasks, shows Cron jobs enabled on the site, shows Magento Error Reports. Also you available to see ip of the accessible 404 page and where user came from. Easy way to view all...

It will add a small ad on the 404 page, showing information about a specific foundation. Some foundations (usually Dutch) are preconfigured in the plugin.With a little bit of coding, the user can add his own.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the...